“High performing and high potential
employees are sometimes described as ‘volunteers’; with ample opportunities
elsewhere, they work for particular organizations because they want to rather
than because they have to. To keep talent from taking flight as labor market
conditions improve, today’s leaders would be wise to adopt this perspective and
focus on creating compelling work environments that motivate key employees to
stay.”Mark Royal, Senior Principal, Hay Group
To get the most out of employee engagement, I guess we
need to enable employee, to position them to succeed. Real employee enablement precedes
performance. Interestingly, perhaps we should focus on engaged employees to understand why they are engaged..engaged employees carries a different mindet and believes that employee engagement falls on their shoulders, not the
organization… based on this book that I have been reading by Clark, Tim. The
Employee Engagement Mindset: The Six Drivers for Tapping Into the Hidden
Potential of Everyone in Your Company. McGraw
Hill Professional, 2012.
If you dig deep, you
do have a propensity to increase.. be it in knowledge, wealth etc…we always
have a drive for passion for something. Therefore, we should own our employee
engagement that can drive rich engagement and work performance…my 2 cents.
Here’s some articles that
are related to employee engagement:
I like this pictorial article from my friend’s
blog…without communication relationship cease…having conversation builds trust and engagement.
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