Friday, January 31, 2014

New HR strategies for 2014

I have received the latest issue of hrm magazine by key media..alot of interesting insights for HR outlook in 2014

Infographics - the rise of big data, an emerging marketing tools that provides much insights and knowledge...

An extract from the latest issue from hrm magazine 14.1:
I liked the part on talent management (pg10)...To engender creative thinking & pro-active mindset, we need to break up the routine of a working week..especially in South-East Asia context, in our volatile political & economic situation, we may face with unexpected challenges...

The key is to maintain a positive mindset...because in every situation, therein lies greatness. Learn to celebrate failures and you will come forth stronger than you first reflective learning... 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Employee Engagement Mindset

High performing and high potential employees are sometimes described as ‘volunteers’; with ample opportunities elsewhere, they work for particular organizations because they want to rather than because they have to. To keep talent from taking flight as labor market conditions improve, today’s leaders would be wise to adopt this perspective and focus on creating compelling work environments that motivate key employees to stay.”Mark Royal, Senior Principal, Hay Group

To get the most out of employee engagement, I guess we need to enable employee, to position them to succeed. Real employee enablement precedes performance. Interestingly, perhaps we should focus on engaged employees to understand why they are engaged..engaged employees carries a different mindet and believes that employee engagement falls on their shoulders, not the organization… based on this book that I have been reading by Clark, Tim. The Employee Engagement Mindset: The Six Drivers for Tapping Into the Hidden Potential of Everyone in Your Company. McGraw Hill Professional, 2012.

If you dig deep, you do have a propensity to increase.. be it in knowledge, wealth etc…we always have a drive for passion for something. Therefore, we should own our employee engagement that can drive rich engagement and work performance…my 2 cents.

Here’s some articles that are related to employee engagement:

I like this pictorial article from my friend’s blog…without communication relationship cease…having  conversation builds  trust and engagement.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I have a good lecture on writing dissertation as I learnt how to use goggle scholar..some articles on mentoring relationship that was mentioned in yesterday's lecture...

Although I do not have longitudinal data but chances are if you are able to find a good mentor.....The mentor relationship can significantly enhance the midcareer stage of the more experienced individual. Kram, Kathy E. "Phases of the mentor relationship." Academy of Management journal 26.4 (1983): 608-625.
For your pleasure reading:
Our thoughts, mirror our approach in we go through different seasons in our lives, somehow God will place different mentors to shape reflective learning.

Compensation & Benefits

This is dedicated to my MBA friends...additional resources on compensation & benefits, apart from Tower Watson, Mercer & Hays given from the HRM modules..

Additional resource:
Performance Driven - oracle

Gaining insights and adding 2 cents worth

Friday, January 17, 2014

HR Outsourcing

A short article for my MBA friends doing their HR assignment...on HR outsourcing
HR outsourcing is a strategic move to improve the quality and flexibility of one's workforce, while improving an organization's ability to accommodate change and stay ahead of market Shalini Shukla-Pandey
HR Outsourcing

Additional resource:
Which 'shore' works best?
Offshore - refers to foreign location that is far away in distance from your primary place of business.
Near-shore - refers to a foreign locale, but one that is much closer to you.
Onshore - refers to a locale in the same country as yours.
Source: Nearsoft 
With hindsight, we need to consider distance and time to decide what is the most critical factor that works best for your 2 cents worth..

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


I have just received this from Chief Learning Officer magazine on Coaching. Coaching is an effective tool for nurturing leaders in our organization...the impact is expotential growth in terms of higher employee performance, engagement that could harness business results.
However before you embark on coaching, you need to ensure that your organization has a supportive management and a learning culture to support the framework..(my mentor taught me this..)

For your pleasure reading:

Leading Through Coaching: Tips for Fostering Success

It is one thing to learn but another thing to be 2 cents worth.

HR Resources

Some said HR people always pursue standardization and abhor exception… but I guess this is more for compliance reason and exception do require more than rote solutions..if you make one exception, HR fears and the floodgate will 2 cents worth..

Anyway, today I wanna share some useful HR websites for your pleasure browsing…

Some interesting articles that I have come across...

Whatever HR tells employees has to match what the company actually believes, empty rhetoric only breeds discontent....(Hammonds, Keith H., Fast Company)..

Friday, January 10, 2014

HR Competency Model

According to Ulrich, there are 6 domains in HR Competences:

1) Credible activist - They do what they say they will do.
2) Strategic positioner - HR professionals understand the global business context—the social, political, economic, environmental, technological, and demographic  trends that bear on their business—and translate these trends into business implications.
3) Capability builder - effective HR professional creates, audits, and orchestrates an effective and strong organization by helping define and build its capabilities.
4) Change champion - HR professionals develop their organizations’ capacities for change and then translate that into effective change processes and structures.
5) HR innovator and integrator - At the organization level, the major competencies of effective HR professionals are their abilities to integrate HR practices around a few critical business issues.
6) Technology proponent - First, HR professionals are applying social networking technology to help people stay connected with one another. Second, in the high-performing firms, HR professionals are increasing their roles in the management of information.

You can read more from 1st chapter - free on-line:
Global HR Competences: Mastering Competitive Value from Outside In

Similar competency concept can also be found in Handbook for Strategic HR: Best Practices in Organization Development from the OD Network.