Friday, July 10, 2015

Adequate Compensation & Recognition

While you can sustain employee's satisfaction through engagement in the short run, to increase the commitment level of the employees in the long run; you will need to have adequate compensation & recognition strategy.

Watch what happens when 2 Monkeys are unequally paid:

One recommendation is for you to participate in Market Salary Survey..more for the reason to reduce dis-satisfaction amongst employees (hygiene factors), 

Have a great weekend, cheers!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Competitive and Rewarding Wage System

Recently, I have attended a SNEForum on Competitive and Rewarding Wage System.

My takeaway from the sharing session:

Competitive wages is important to attract and retain talent. However with higher wages, the propensity to maintain wage cost competitiveness has become increasingly important for sustainability. Therefore, we need to increase productivity to combat the rise in higher wages.

Especially in our economy like Singapore that is often influence by external factors, our wage system needs to be very flexible and responsive to remain competitive.  

For a competitive wage system, you may wish to consider the following;

- If you do not have any job grades in place in the Company, start with job levelling with career progression in mind. 
- If you wish to develop salary ranges, the min. max should be 1.5 ratio.
- Consider introduction of Monthly Variable Component (MVC).

Apart from sustainability, it is important to stress on work performance. This involves having a good performance management system and establish Key Performance Indicators (KPI). The general guidelines to KPIs should include (but not limited to); 

  • Consider the relevance to company's business
  • Ensure the goals are quantifiable & transparent
  • The goals / targets must be responsive & timely
  • Employees' are able to influence the outcomes

I thought you might also be interested to read this article from Adobe and how they keep key employees from quitting, cheers!