Sunday, August 3, 2014

Gen Z employees: good if you can get them

Entrepreneurial, optimistic and informed”..that will be the composite of our next generation of workers in Asia also known as Generation Z. They have been described as “go- getter and trend setter” and it will be quite a challenge to attract and retain the best of them.
I was reading this short article written by HC, Human Capital (July to September 2014 issue), a food for thought…

”Adecco recently conducted a survey of nearly 1000 Gen Zs (15-18years old) in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. The survey assessed Gen Z’s ambitions, their employment preferences, their attitudes to the workplace and how they are optimistic they are about their future – in work and life.

The survey revealed interesting findings about Singapore’s Gen Z. A high proportion of Singapore’s Gen Z (82%) expects to go onto higher education and many are confident that will prepare them well for the workplace.

The respondents expect to take about seven months to find the right employer, which is about average for the region.

Most (71%) expect to work for no more than three companies in their entire career, demonstrating a somewhat greater loyalty to their employer than their peers in other markets.

They are also likely to seek services of recruitment consultants for information about companies that they may consider joining.

Those that surveyed in Singapore also want more job variety than other Gen Zs in the region, but they are also likely to value a fairer work-life balance.”

Recently, I had the privilege to speak to a group of Gen Z students and conduct interview sessions with them..they are confident to share their thoughts, forwarding looking and drawn by our company proposal of Place and Train Program aka Fast Track, an accelerated career path within 18 months. With job re-design and more career development opportunities, it is possible to reach out and get the best of out them…my thoughts.

"An organization can be birthed with great vision but can only grow with great framework"….

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